Chinese Railroad Dining Car

This literally translates into -well, what else than "dining car". Technical details are only type (CA18) and serial number (90415).

On page 420 we saw  the passengers' hard seat wagon. But as they get hungry it's time to visit the dining car shown on this page.

Now retired to a museum the stove on the left in its prime prepared millions of meals for weary train riders on their way to destinations unknown.

Bottom far left is the dining area. Le Restaurant de Canche!  What's missing? The seats, of course! I have no idea of how diners were seated but since no fixed seat are mounted on the walls it must have been with regular, movable chairs.

Near left is the entire kitchen. With a little imagination you can still see how some 7-8 cooks were struggling to make hundreds and hundreds of meals in a crammed space in a constantly shaking and unstable wagon racing from station to station.

And in comes the passenger asking the chef for a boiled egg cooked to perfection at 4.5 minutes and a slight twist of lemon in his tea...... Maybe not!