Art of the Warring States Period (1)

Despite of -or maybe because of- the difficult times of the Warring States Period both art and philosophy flourished and left a lot of rich artifacts behind. These pages contain but a few pictures of artifacts all over 2,200 years old organized by origin of state. Click on the maps right and left to see the states shown.

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State of Qin

Bronze Container with gold inlay 19 cm high and 8.3 cm across the top. A Knocker made of gold and jade evidencing excellent workmanship. Gold Tiger used for decorative purposes and showing the high level Qin artisans attained in gold processing. Nei part of a Dagger Axe. The inscription contains an event concerning Lu Buwei, prime minister, in 243 BC.

State of Yan

Wine container made of clay with animal shaped ears painted in red. 70 cm tall. These attractively shaped vessels were customarily buried with the dead in Yan funerals. Walltop tile with fufu patterns 90 cm long. The triangular fufu patterns were used to embroider ceremonial robes. These tiles were used on top of palace walls as protective covering. Half of an eaves tile 10 cm high and 20 cm in diameter. The tile bears a solemn and fierce-looking ogre mask and was used on the roof of the Yan royal palace in Xiadu. Mold for casting two sickles in one go. 32 cm long. The inscription reads "You Lin" being the name of the official in charge of casting. Iron tools like this expedited the development of the feudal economy.

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