Serial Number
Date of Birth
14 January [1915]
Place of Birth
Tyrolsgade 6³
name of child
Sten Sture Birger Hultengren
Full Details of Parents
Confectioner Ernst Teodor Hultengren and
wife Olga Maria Carolina Blomqvist
34 years (?)
Date of Baptism
11 October 1922
Who Baptized and Where
Reverend Schneekloth in (this) church
Miss Inex Hultengren and the parents
Married 7 July 1900 in St. Catharina church, Stockholm.
Since the father was born in Sweden the child will not be granted birth rights in Copenhagen
as per magistrate note of 6 March 1915.
Name given by the mother on 1 April 1916
Serial Number
Date of Birth
2nd April
Place of Birth
Nathanaels Parish
name of child
Irving Allan Hultengren
Full Details of Parents
Laboratory assistant Sten Sture Birger Hultengren and wife Anna, born Brzostek, Lynettevej 7
Married at Grundtvig Church on 6th October 1940
Date of Baptism
1st August 1948
Who Baptized and Where?
Reverend Simonsen
in [Filip] Church
Lathe operator Helge Hansen and wife Gerrovefa (?) Nymtemestervej 10 C and the parents
National register 2. August 1948
Birth parish 2. August 1948
Serial Number
Date of Birth
17th September
Place of Birth
Nathanaels Parish
Name of child
Birger Steen Hultengren ¹)
Full Details of Parents
Laboratory assistant Sten Sture¹) Birger Hultengren and wife Anna, born Brzostek, Lynettevej 7
Married at Grundtvig Church on 6th October 1940
Date of Baptism
6th October 1946 (?)
Who Baptized and Where?
Reverend Simonsen
in [Filip] Church
Miss Inger Thomsen, Lynettevej 7 and the parents
Name given by the mother in Copenhagen on
10 May 1946
National Register 15 May 1946
Birth parish 15 May 1946
Birth parish (?) baptism 8 October 1946
¹) Made more precise 150497 at Confirmation
Serial Number
Date of Birth
26th September
Place of Birth
Vor Frelsers Parish
Name of child
Maj-Britt Anne Hultengren
Full Details of Parents
Taxi owner Sten Sture Birger Hultengren and wife Anna Brzostek, Lynettevej 7³
F. born 14 January 1915 in Sundby Parish
M. born 27 July 1917 in St. Ansgar Parish
(Married) Grundtvig Church 6 October 1940
Date of Baptism
5th February 1956
Who Baptized and Where?
Reverend Pontoppidan
in [Filip] church
Radio mechanic Aksel Andersen and wife, Husumgade 41 and the parents
National register 7 February 1956
Birth parish 7 February 1956
Serial Number
Date of Birth
11. December
Place of Birth
Vor Frelsers Parish
See comments
name of child
Ib Hultengren
Full Details of Parents
Fabrikant Kurt? Helge Sigfrid Hultengren and wife Anni Elisabeth Theodorn born Winther
Address: Frankrigsgade 2
Married at Copenhagen Magistrate S. on 8th May 1937
Date of Baptism
6th January 1948
Who Baptized and Where?
Home baptism at Sundby Hospital by
reverend Pontoppidan
Father born 9th April 1913 in Sundby Parish
Mother born 9th October 1918 at Nathanaels? Parish
National register 14th January 1948
Birth Parish 14th January 1948
Exited the State Church as per notification of 24th January 1964 by the reverend of Nathanaels Parish
Entry Number
Date of Confirmation
1st April
Confirmed person
Irving Allan Hultengren
Lynettevej 7
Data of the Parents
Assistant Sten Sture Birger Hultengren
Wife Anna Hultengren b. Brzostek
Birth and Baptism
2nd April 1948 Nathanael Church
1st August 1948 Filips Church
Serial Number
Bridegroom's data
Single - Laboratory assistant Sten Sture
Birger Hultengren Syvens Allé 2
Born 14. January 1915 in Copenhagen, Sundby parish
Son of late confectioner Ernst Teodor Hultengren and widow Olga Maria Carolina born Blomqvist, Syvens Allé 2² left
Bride's data
Single - Factory worker Anna Brzostek, Tomsgårdsvej 71
Born 27 July 1917 in Copenhagen, St. Ansgar parish, baptized in St. Annæ Roman Catholic church; 12. September 1940 converted to the Danish Evangelic(?) Lutheran church by reverend S. J. Led. Daughter of late worker Stanislaw Brzostek and widow Feliksa born Jablonska, Tomsgårdsvej 71 G. left
The Banns
a) 13 September 1940
b) 15 September 1940
in Grundtvig Church
Wedding Location
1940, 6 October
in Bispebjerg Parish
Church, reverend, witnesses
a) Grundtvig Church
b) Reverend S.J. Led
c) Mechanic Johannes Thomsen,
Tomsgårdsvej 71, and the bridegroom's
Copenhagen Magistrate certificate dated 12 September 1940
Journal no. 66 15/1940
Confirmed 28 October 1940